We believe in self-representation by older people to advance our aims, rather than relying on the charities to speak for us

Silver Voices is the only independent, individual membership organisation for senior citizens in the UK. MPs, councillors and many other opinion-formers receive our briefings and our influence is growing all the time.

We are unashamedly political but not affiliated to any political party. Politicians from all parties have let older people down and age discrimination is still rife at all levels of society. There is a special responsibility on those of us whose parents fought for and built the Welfare State to help prevent it being dismantled in front of our eyes. We will campaign for an improved public NHS and a solution to the social care crisis as our first priorities.

About Us

Silver Voices is a non-profit making and non-party political organisation.

Join Us

We need as many over sixties as possible to join Silver Voices to maximise our impact.


We provide regular briefings on policy issues affecting senior citizens.


Silver Voices supports both national and local campaigning.

Become a Silver Voice Today

So we can build a powerful organisation which will reflect the opinions of the over 60s and influence the politicians to act on our behalf.

Silver Voices believes that every individual senior citizen has a right to have their voice heard and for their voice to have equal weight with everyone else’s. We believe in direct democracy rather than relying on block voting.

All our priorities and positions on controversial issues are determined by the whole membership, through internet votes and surveys. Every member has the right to have their queries and comments answered and taken on board and can contribute their own experiences and reflections.

As well as social care and health, our other current priorities as determined by the members include the cost of living crisis, improvements to the state pension, protection of universal benefits such as the winter fuel payment, restored local government funding, retirement housing and digital exclusion. 

Silver Voices is concerned that ageist attitudes are still prevalent in Society despite the Equality Act. We know that many of our members have suffered age discrimination on financial or insurance matters and on access to services. Even more worrying is the number of occasions when older people are ignored, patronised or talked down to (sometimes even jostled or abused) simply because they look their years. The media encourages these attitudes by stereo-typing older people as doddery “old dears” and idealising youth. Instead, Silver Voices campaigns for the wisdom and experience of senior citizens to be recognised and used for the good of Society.