Silver Voices is a non-profit making company limited by guarantee (registration number 12883349). We have deliberately not applied to be a charity as we want to be free to campaign on political issues. We have no allegiance to any political party. All subscription income and donations are invested in website, marketing, campaign and office costs.
Silver Voices is a web-based membership organisation for the over sixties who want a platform for campaigning on current issues; enabling their views to be channelled to the political parties and so influence national and local policies. We have reviewed our systems to ensure we are compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): we will never provide individual data to any third party organisation and we do not use non-essential cookies. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
The more members we have the more we can influence the political debate. We already have over 9000 members even though we are a relatively new organisation. Most MPs from all political parties receive our regular policy briefings and we try to work closely with other senior citizen organisations. We argue passionately for self-representation by senior citizens at all levels of society.
The Silver Voices Office is run by Dennis Reed who was Chief Executive of the local government think tank the LGIU for eleven years. Before that he was a senior official with the trade union UNISON. The Director is responsible for all organisational and financial matters, but policy positions and priorities are determined through regular membership polls and surveys, conducted by an independent survey company. Silver Voices is the only independent national membership organisation for senior citizens in the UK
- A society in which the views and contributions of elders are encouraged and acted upon
- A society which is rebalanced towards the importance of public services, with the free market regulated more closely for the common good
- A society in which progressive taxation of income, wealth and profit is seen as necessary and welcome, in order to provide high quality public services
- A society that cherishes our unique NHS as a publicly funded service free at the point of use and seeks to reverse the scourge of privatisation
- A society which removes the artificial distinction between medical and social care and meets all the health and social care needs of the whole population, including senior citizens
- A society that harnesses scientific advance to build a fairer and more environmentally sustainable nation
- A society that does not tolerate any form of discrimination whether on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or lifestyle preferences
- A society that provides devolved political accountability and a fair voting system that gives every citizen a stake in local and national politics. Silver Voices has been formed to maximize the political impact of senior citizens